Our Shared Canvas


Ignite Your Artistic Passion at Galerie nouvelle

Your Masterpiece's Perfect Showcase!


Hello Art Enthusiasts,

Welcome to Galerie Nouvelle, where art comes alive!
Beyond our captivating Permanent exhibitions, we're thrilled to offer a diverse space for various artistic genres, from pure visual art to vibrant pop art, delicate ceramics, and timeless bronze sculptures.
Galerie nouvelle is a contemporary art gallery located in the historically significant area of le village suisse, very close to the Eiffel Tower and the champs des mars.
If you're eager to share your art with the world, we encourage you to connect with us. We're here to provide information, assist in space rental, and craft an exhibition plan tailored to your vision.
At Galerie Nouvelle, we're dedicated to promoting artists and their creations. Collaborating with you, we'll develop strategies to showcase your work naturally and attractively, reaching a wider audience.
For more details and exhibition terms, please reach out. We're excited to nurture your artistic passion and provide the perfect platform for your art to shine.
Discover the boundless possibilities of art at Galerie nouvelle. We look forward to sharing artistic moments with you.

Best regards



Our Shared Canvas
Our Shared Canvas
Our Shared Canvas
Our Shared Canvas
Our Shared Canvas
Our Shared Canvas

Location Galerie Nouvelle, 78 Avenue de Suffren, 75015 PARIS
Le Village Suisse Boutique N° 24, Place de Lausanne


11:00 AM to 6:30 PM on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays